Hey! Hey! The Video-Recording Is Up!

It's a pill capsule.

Is your life lacking that ‘certain something’? Are aches and pains becoming an everyday burden? Do you find it difficult to sleep at night–your mind churning away at something beyond your understanding? Do you have an hour and a  half you want to burn?

If so, you’re in luck! The video-recording of Sunday’s (April 15) stellar performance of Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!! is now live, online, and patiently waiting to consume your bandwidth/improve your life.

Click here to jump to the Video-Recording page, or just navigate by way of the top link bar.


Do not consume more than 3 servings of Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!! during a 24-hour period. Some intestinal bleeding may occur. Side effects include a new-found reliance on brute strength, dilated pupils, fur, becoming really good at basketball, and reincarnation. Do not use Ideals if you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or just look like you are pregnant. Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!! is not for everyone. Ask your doctor if Ideals is right for you, because through a 30-second advert you now apparently know more about what medicine to suggest for yourself than a professional with more than 10 years of specialized schooling. Obviously.

‘Ideals’ Finishes Weekend Run At EMU, Over 300 Attend

In case you haven’t heard, (or witnessed) Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!! completed its weekend run at Eastern Mennonite University with three fantastical (if we do say so ourselves) showings on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The dust is still settling, but be on the lookout for some substantial updates, including write-ups, raw facts, press material, cast photos, and (eventually) the full musical online!

Stay tuned, and be patient! Some of us are in the middle of Finals, after all!

Cast has first practice, nothing catches fire

Trees! Stackable, bleached, thin trees!

This slightly disheveled stack is all of the sheet music that was handed out today at the first cast practice. Let us observe a moment of silence for the trees that generously gave their lives so that EMU kids may sing and dance.

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Lend your ear to these sweet, sweet working cuts.

While you’ve been happily spending your weekday evenings napping, eating tarts, and playing Backgammon, the IfEYtML band (catchy name pending) has been hard at work cutting tracks that the cast will use to act, sing, and dance to during rehearsals. Gather the kids, turn down the lights, and listen to a three track sampler (wouldn’t want to give all of the surprise away!) found after the break.

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This is the first post of many to the running production blog of Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!!

“But wait,” you say to your computer monitor. “What exactly is Ideals for Earnest Youth?”

Good question! Click one of the tabs above to find out about the production, video, or the book that inspired it all.

“All right, but is this one of those blogs I’ll have to commit a lot of time to?” you continue, despite the increasing oddness of your vocalized questioning. “I don’t have a lot time. This is just a little too much for me right now. I think we should probably just be friends for now, and leave it at that.”

First off, slow down.

This isn’t one of your one-night-stand blogs, oh no. We’re not here to pressure you into a long-term reading commitment, either.

The purpose of this blog is simple. We’re here to share with you the production process (and the back story) surrounding something we’re really passionate about, and proud of. That is, Ideals for Earnest Youth: The Musical LIVE!!!; a student-created, student-run, student-everything musical about life, love, and decent morals.

So go ahead, click around! Read about the book, watch the video adaptation, and get involved with the gooey, messy, from-the-ground-up birth of a staged musical!

We’re really excited you’re along for the ride.